Choosing a pool cleaning service is no small thing.
Doing it yourself is an option, but our Bakersfield
heat and the winter Bakersfield windstorms should
give you "pause". So unless you have lot's of
time and EVEN more patience, then choosing and
hiring a pool service in Bakersfield, the best pool
service, ought to be on your to-do list!
To make the
right choice,
you need to know:
What are your weekly swimming pool service
and cleaning needs? How dirty
is your pool area? - Few or many Trees? Bushes? Flower beds near
by? Should you use a sand filter or a DE, or just a
regular paper filter? It will depend on your yard.
How many trees, open dirt areas, shrubs and so forth?
your pool service know about the mechanics of your
pool or are they just skimming leaves off the top? -
Mechanical issues such
as, pool pumps, leaf collectors, pool filters and
heaters, will occur and
you need someone who understands them and how they can be fixed.
Do they show up faithfully each week (and
more often if needed)? Are
they dependable? Flexible when needed? Courteous? Can you
communicate with them, tell them your concerns, or about
upcoming parties that will involve heavier pool usage?

We all have our budget, yet let me caution you...IF
you choose the WRONG pool cleaner, you will regret it.
Yes, that sounds ominous and it's not really meant to be
overly dramatic, but it is meant to say, find a company
that you can trust, who you can talk to, who cares about
your business and your pool, even if it costs a bit
more...It WILL be money WELL spent.